Personal Resources

Eliminating ‘Stigma’ From the Inside Out

Eliminating Addiction Stigma

We seem to be constantly trying to change the public's perception of substance use disorders and of people with substance use disorders. At best progress is slow. The terms "stigma" and "shame" have a lot in common. "Stigma" may be what is inflicted upon us by others. "Shame" is what we carry. We've been trying to change the world. That's hard to do. It's easier to "have the courage to change the things we can." Is it possible that...

Social Anxiety Disorder and Alcohol Use: I’m SAD! I need a drink!

Being sad is one thing, but suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a critical point for emotional and psychological correction. Eventually, “wanting” a drink will turn into “needing” alcohol to distract from any personal stresses. For a long time, experts have witnessed that people with anxiety disorders are susceptible to substance abuse and vice versa, but determining which one is the preceding problem forms a stumbling block for diagnosis. An overwhelming conceptual urge to depend on alcohol begins addiction,...

SMART/12-Step: It’s not a contest.

A few months ago we began to offer a weekly meeting of SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) at Seaside Palm Beach as another tool in the arsenal that a person in recovery can use to maintain abstinence from addictive behaviors.  Twelve-step recovery meetings continue as they always have. The weekly Smart meeting has become popular. I can say that a number of people have integrated SMART into their long-range plan for continued abstinence. I was a little bit surprised at...

Forming Therapeutic Alliances

Way back in 2000 it was my job to begin to develop internship relationships with local colleges and universities. Dr. Tammy Malloy has fully developed that program here at our South Florida behavioral healthcare center. It continues to be among the best examples of how treatment centers and universities can work together and how students can grow into professionals. The obvious way to begin relationships with schools offering Masters Degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling, Social Work,...