Tag - Depression

Alcohol-Induced Psychosis

When a person abuses alcohol, either in substantial amounts or for a long period, they risk experiencing side effects on their physical and mental health. These effects alone have the potential to wreak havoc on a person’s life, especially if left unaddressed. An example of this is alcohol-induced psychosis, which can lead a person to act irrationally - or worse. Learn about the implications of this kind of diagnosis and how it should be addressed with Behavioral Health of the...

Best Mental Health Tips for Working From Home

As a facility that offers Palm Beach mental health services, we understand the importance of balancing the demands of a job while maintaining healthy boundaries between your work and personal life. Although remote work or working from home was most prevalent during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a few years later, many people are still working remotely. Whether you’ve been working through COVID remotely or have recently transitioned to this work setting, we’re sharing some mental health tips...