Psychodrama Therapy

Overcoming Trauma through Dramatic Experience

Psychodrama therapy is a treatment approach that allows patients to safely and successfully confront what may have led to their substance abuse. Particularly effective in the management of family and abuse-related issues, psychodrama has been around for nearly 100 years and was founded by Dr. J.L. Moreno. Used in both clinical and non-clinical settings, psychodrama has helped patients gain insights into their lives that have been instrumental in their recovery.

Working through Core Issues

The process of psychodrama therapy involves patients or “protagonists” participating in skits that simulate their interactions in various relationships. Sessions are administered by experts and are meant to help patients observe and identify patterns of behavior that may have played a role in their substance abuse or mental disorder. For example, psychodrama is often used to treat PTSD patients who have a hard time moving past their traumatic experiences. It is played out through a variety of techniques, including:

  • Role Reversal – Patients play the role of a significant person in their life while the therapist assumes the role of the patient. This is particularly helpful in couples therapy.
  • Mirroring – Patients act out an experience and then an expert mirrors their actions in a following scene.
  • Doubling – Expert acts out a scene as the patient’s other self.

Psychodrama therapy helps patients express their emotional truths and achieve balanced mental health and freedom from trauma.

Psychodrama Therapy at BHOPB

Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches offers expert, in-depth psychodrama therapy to patients who our therapists feel would benefit from this treatment. We have partnered with psychodrama pioneer, and former student of J.L Moreno, Dr. Meg Givnish. Dr. Givnish is the founder of the Problem-Solving Theater troupe and has been influential in the clinical evolution of psychodrama. She was one of the first professionals to ever be certified as a trainer, educator, and practitioner by the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy.

Benefits of Psychodrama Therapy

The primary goal of psychodrama is to help patients unlock and recognize destructive patterns in their thoughts and behaviors within a safe, organized and supportive environment. It not only gives patients deeper insight into their own emotional truth, but it also allows them to get feedback from fellow participants and from their therapist.

Psychodrama allows patients to confront their internal conflicts through their own creativity and in a healthy manner. Call (888) 432-2467 to learn more about how psychodrama therapy can help you or your loved one overcome deep-rooted issues related to addiction.