Bipolar Disorder Treatment Center

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes dramatic shifts in mood ranging from more active (“manic”) to depressive symptoms. This disorder is most frequently detected in young adults between their late teens and mid-20s.1 People suffering from bipolar disorder often experience difficulty at work, school, and in relationships due to the often unpredictable nature of their symptoms. It’s recommended that those with this disorder require professional care from a bipolar disorder treatment center like ours.

Understanding Bipolar Behavior

It can be challenging to accurately diagnose bipolar disorder because, outside of some extreme emotional episodes, people dealing with the disorder can appear to be completely unaffected. During more emotional episodes, sufferers can go from extreme joy and excitement to disabling depression in just a short period.

Some common bipolar disorder symptoms to look out for include:

  • Abnormally upbeat, jumpy, or wired
  • Accelerated speech
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Easily distracted
  • Erratic and impulsive decision making
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Lack of concentration
  • Poor decision-making
  • Racing thoughts
  • Restlessness and irritability

Someone who is experiencing these symptoms should look into a professional rehab for bipolar disorder that offers comprehensive care. Though there are medications to help alleviate symptoms and episodes associated with bipolar disorder, an individual’s bipolar disorder treatment plan should consist of a combination of modalities.

Treating Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Like most mental disorders, bipolar disorder is often linked to alcoholism and drug addiction. In fact, about 56% of people with bipolar disorder suffer from a substance use disorder at some point in their lifetime.2 There are several reasons for this trend.

In many cases, mental health issues like bipolar disorder are genetic, just like a large portion of alcohol and drug addictions. Additionally, people struggling with the disorder experience extreme levels of depression that often lead them to use drugs or alcohol as coping mechanisms. The same can be said during extreme levels of euphoria, as this high can lead to more impulsive behaviors and bad decision-making associated with substance abuse.

Because of the correlation between bipolar disorder and addiction, our Lake Worth drug rehab also offers dual-diagnosis treatment. Otherwise referred to as co-occurring disorder, a dual diagnosis refers to the occurrence of addiction and mental illness at once. As you can imagine, neglecting one to treat the other can result in a lot of loose ends and can leave the person in a worse position.

To support patients at our bipolar disorder center who also struggle with a substance use disorder, we’ve created a unique program that’s customizable to their needs. Whether it’s alcoholism and bipolar disorder or any other form of addiction, our team is prepared to help.

How We Treat Bipolar Disorder

If left untreated, bipolar disorder can cause great difficulties and inconveniences in an individual’s personal and professional life. Unfortunately, many people don’t seek the help they need for either disease, allowing issues to spiral out of control until it is too late.

Not only does this condition require consistent treatment to help the individual properly manage their symptoms, but usually, more than just medication is necessary for long-term recovery. For this reason, our bipolar disorder treatment center offers expert therapy programs along with aftercare services to help patients learn how to properly cope with their symptoms, sustain healthy relationships, develop emotional regulation skills, develop social skills, and more.

Our Banyan Lake Worth rehab starts with a thorough psychiatric examination to determine the best treatment plan for patients. This psych evaluation determines the severity of the person’s mental illness, the symptoms they’re accustomed to experiencing, how frequently symptoms occur, whether they have a co-occurring disorder, and other factors relevant to the person’s recovery.

Based on the results of the client’s mental health evaluation, our treatment team then creates a treatment plan that focuses on the individual’s needs. For instance, patients with severe alcoholism and bipolar disorder may first require alcohol detox to address withdrawals and cravings so they can properly concentrate on their mental health. We want to put our patients in the best position to achieve continued long-term success and allow them to safely reenter society and live free of fear from both addiction and mental health relapses.

Contact Our Center for Bipolar Disorder

If you or a loved one is struggling with bipolar disorder and/or substance abuse, our experienced and compassionate professionals want to help. Learn to manage your bipolar disorder in healthy ways and regain control over your life.

For more information about our bipolar disorder rehabilitation center or addiction treatment in Lake Worth, contact Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches today.


  1. National Institute of Mental HealthBipolar Disorder
  2. US National Library of Medicine National Institute of HealthMood Disorders and Substance Use Disorder: A Complex Comorbidity

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