Elderly Rehab

Drug Rehab for Boomers

Specialized and Focused Substance Abuse Rehab for Boomers

Many people consider addiction to be a younger persons’ problem. The institutional support and media attention given to protecting our children from drugs and alcohol has caused many to look past the rampant addiction plaguing the elderly, particularly in Florida. As a result, many facilities fail to recognize the need to provide quality and specialized drug rehab for boomers.

Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches is acutely aware of the unique physical and emotional issues faced by seniors working to overcome addiction and a mental disorder. In our customized substance abuse programs, we administer swift and targeted care specifically created for our aging baby boomer population.

Even the most able-bodied patients often enter our facility racked with physical pain and suffering significantly with decreased mobility. When treating our aging boomer population, we are challenged with the normal deteriorating effects of the aging process, sometimes greatly accelerated by prolonged drug or alcohol abuse.

Signs and Symptoms of Addiction among Boomers

Although many are quick to overlook behavioral signs of addiction as a normal part of the aging process, it’s important that the loved ones and care providers of aging boomers look beyond this superficial rationalization to rule out drug or alcohol abuse. This is particularly important for those who have been taking prescription painkillers or sedatives for legitimate illness. Some of the signs include:

  • Constant sense of loneliness
  • Heightened obstinacy and agitation
  • Increased bouts of dementia
  • Drastic changes in sleep patterns
  • Loss of interest in family and friends

Expert Withdrawal Management and Specialized Rehabilitation 

Our doctors and nurses carefully monitor each patient’s withdrawal period, and use extreme caution during the detoxification process. We understand our boomer patients’ intense physical vulnerability during withdrawal and work hard to provide intensive and focused symptom relief at a pace that doesn’t compromise their safety or the success of their recovery. At our drug rehab in Palm Beach, we work one on one with each patient to ensure comfort is maintained throughout the entire rehab process.

During rehabilitation, Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches offers specialized therapies, expert counseling, and the integration of family and loved ones into the recovery process. As the baby boomer generation is getting older, they are starting to become increasingly reliant on their family for support. Involving family in the recovery process is thus a critical part of the program.

Restoring Your Strength and Peace-of-Mind

Each one of our substance abuse programs helps boomers physically heal and regain their energy and independence again when freed from the chains of their addiction. Even though it may seem impossible right now, there is a way out of addiction. It’s never too late to start living the rest of your life in recovery.

Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches runs a highly reputable and successful drug rehab for all who suffer from addiction. If you or a loved one are one of the many baby boomers battling drug and alcohol addiction, expert addiction care is available. Our drug rehab for boomers is completely customized and designed to help individuals get back on track. Get the help you need by contacting our dedicated professionals at BHOPB today.