Learn from Your Family History

When searching for the root of any personality trait or health condition, the most obvious place to start is within one’s immediate family of origin. This is also true in alcohol and drug addiction, as many substance abuse problems can at least be partially linked to family history. A person’s family of origin includes their parents, siblings and anyone else who grew up in their household.

Our formative years make up the foundation of who we become as adults. Lingering and unresolved family issues can manifest themselves in several different ways, including substance abuse. At Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, our therapists help patients uncover, address and cope with any previous family issues, including physical, sexual or emotional abuse.

Gain Strength to Move On from Your Past

Understanding whether a patient’s past has contributed to one’s addiction or mental disorders is essential to providing effective treatment. This personal exploration helps patients understand their behavior more clearly and may provide much-needed explanations for dysfunctional thoughts and feelings.

Reliving and resolving family issues is a large step in the recovery process and is a crucial exercise for all patients. The insights gained during this process will help patients with future trauma manage their stress and continue to form healthier relationships.

Your past doesn’t have to define you. Call (888) 432-2467 to learn more about how our family of origin therapy can help you or your loved one gain a new perspective on the roots of your addiction issues.